Sunday 20 December 2015

Warm water and Salt Rinse Benefits

Warm water and Salt mouth rinse is a simple yet effective relief for many dental conditions. Many under-rate it's effectiveness and miss out on the benefits. Salt is an antibacterial agent that helps prevent bacteria from multiplying, it also eliminates swelling. The warm water encourages the flow of blood to the area of injury/infection which aids healing.

Conditions you can use Warm water and salt mouth rinse for:
  1. After a tooth is removed or after surgery: your dentist will recommend a salt and warm water rinse 24hours after the procedure(at 2-3 hours interval).This is to aid rapid healing of the site of the surgery. Salt water has the same concentration as body cells and blood and does not irritate the tissues.
  2. Gum swelling: warm water and salt rinse, helps eliminate swelling of the gums.
  3. Wounds/sores: either bite wounds or ulcers.
  4. Toothache.
  5. Dental injuries sustained during accidents.
  6. Sore throat.
How to make the Mouth rinse
Add a leveled teaspoon of salt in a glass cup of warm water(not hot) and stir. Many think the hotter the water is the better, this is not true; the hot water will burn your gums and cause more harm. When rinsing with warm water and salt, make sure you tilt your head towards the area affected to allow the warm water and salt flow adequately.


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