Wednesday 2 December 2015

A hole in the tooth: A major cause of Toothache.

Seeking Dental care in the absence of pain is not a common practice in this part of the world. Majority of people who visit the dentist do so mainly as a result of pain due to tooth decay.

Someone with a hole in his tooth will complain of shock/pain when food particles get in/get stuck in the hole or when he takes, cold or hot drinks. Sweets and chocolates sometimes triggers the pain too.

A hole in the tooth is also known as Tooth decay/Dental cavity/Dental caries. It results from frequently eating sugar containing food & drinks and not brushing the teeth regularly. Although the outer layer of the tooth (the enamel) is the hardest structure of the human body, it can be softened by the action of bacteria (which is present on the tooth surfaces). When we eat sweet things, these bacteria act on the sugar to produce acid which softens the enamel and leads to tooth decay.

Having a hole doesn't mean you have to remove the tooth. A tooth with holes can be restored to function and aesthetics by visiting the dentist who will place fillings on them. If the tooth is so painful or has extensive/deep holes, it might require a type of treatment(Root canal treatment) before it is filled and crowned.

The key to preventing holes is to reduce ones intake of sugar in the form of sweets, chewing gum, chocolates, ice cream, cakes etc. Sugar free gum which contains xylitol can be chewed instead of those with sucrose. Also, there is the need to practice good dental hygiene culture by brushing the teeth with a fluoride containing tooth paste twice daily.

Saliva is a good cleansing agent which helps clean the teeth; however, little quantities are produced when we sleep, therefore it is important we brush last thing before bed as brushing helps rid the teeth of any food particle thereby preventing tooth decay. It is also important to pay the dentist regular visits at least twice a year.

1 comment:

  1. This is insightful, thank you for sharing, I hope I can share as well.
