Tuesday 29 December 2015

5 Reasons you need Professional Cleaning/Scaling and Polishing

Professional cleaning of the teeth otherwise known as Scaling and Polishing involves the removal of dirts that have accumulated on the teeth overtime. The accumulation may be in form of brown stains or yellowish/greenish colored tartar(calculus). The following are the reasons why you need to have your teeth cleaned professionally:
  1. Regular Toothbrushing does not guarantee having a mouth free of tartar. Plaque and tartar build up in areas not easily accessible for cleaning. 
  2. Prevents bad breath.
  3. Removes unsightly stains caused by tobacco, tea, coffee, chlorhexidine mouthwash etc
  4. Prevents gum diseases: if tartar is left to accumulate on the teeth, it irritates the gums causing gum disease. 
  5. Professional cleaning improves the overall appearance of the teeth. 
Scaling and Polishing is not a painful procedure. Dentists make use of special instruments which take off these hardened particles with ease. After the removal of dirts, the teeth is polished to give a fresh breath and a clean feel. Though the gums may bleed during the cleaning, the procedure itself is not painful(bleeding is noticed in unhealthy gums).

It is recommended you have Professional cleaning twice a year(at 6 months interval).

1 comment:

  1. But I have done scaling and polishing with a dentist 3 months ago and I still have mouth odor, is it that the dentist did not do a good job?
