Friday 18 December 2015

Problems associated with the Wisdom tooth

The wisdom tooth also known as the third molar usually comes into the mouth between the ages of 17 and 25 years. It is the 8th and last tooth on each quadrant(the average adult has a complete set of teeth which is 32 in number. The 32 teeth can be divided into 4 quadrants: the upper right, upper left, lower left and the lower right quadrant). 

When there is inadequate space for the wisdom tooth to come into, it often gets stuck(impacted). It does not fully come into position due to an obstruction in its path. This is commoner with the lower wisdom tooth.

Effects of having an impacted(stuck)lower wisdom tooth:
- Mouth Odour: This is because food particles get stuck between the wisdom tooth and the second molar which gives an offensive odor. Many people find this disturbing as they have to pick this area regularly to remove food particles.
- Tooth decay: the end result of having food particles packing between the wisdom tooth and the adjacent molar is tooth decay. This happens because it is often difficult to clean the area effectively. Your dentist will often advice you to have the impacted wisdom tooth removed so as to prevent the second molar from having a hole.
- Pain and swelling of the gum surrounding the tooth(pericoronitis ): This is the most common reason people with stuck wisdom tooth seek dental help. It could be so painful that it results into pain and difficulty in opening the mouth with or without fever. This is because the gum covering the tooth gets infected from particles trapping beneath it.

Visit your dentist as soon as symptoms begin. 
Antibiotics and pain relieving drugs are prescribed to stop infection and relieve pain.
Extraction of the impacted wisdom tooth
When the lower wisdom tooth is taken out, the upper wisdom tooth is taken out as well to prevent the upper tooth from biting on the gum.


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