Sunday 27 December 2015

Misconceptions about Teething

Your child is said to be teething when he/she is bringing out his first set of teeth. This takes place about the age of 6months.

Some of the teething symptoms include drooling saliva, being irritable and loss of appetite. A teething child may have a slight increase in temperature. You might also notice your child biting or pulling at objects.

If your child is running a high fever or has diarrhea, it is important you consult your physician as soon as possible as these are not teething symptoms.

At 6 months, the baby in addition to teething also starts to develop his/her own immunity having survived on the mothers immunity for the first six months. This is also the stage when the baby begins to crawl and explore. A child that has fever and is running a stool might have an infection which might have resulted from the child putting dirty hands into the mouth during crawling.

To prevent this, always keep your child's toys, feeding bottles, bowls and spoons clean. Also keep the area where your child crawls clean.

See also: Tips for Relieving your Baby's Teething Symptoms


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